The Power of the Days: Unlocking Weekly Mysteries

In many cultures and spiritual traditions, The Power of the Days is more than just units of time; they are imbued with symbolic and mystical significance. This esoteric perspective offers a deeper understanding of how each day connects to various cosmic forces, planetary influences, and archetypal energies. The Power of the Days: Sunday: The Day … Read more

Kabbalah: The Esoteric Teaching of the Universe

Kabbalah seeks the hidden meaning in sacred scriptures and delves into the mysteries of natural laws. Although Kabbalah is primarily considered a Jewish teaching, the fact is that many people from different ethnicities and cultures show interest in it. Kabbalah is an esoteric doctrine focused on interpretations of the sacred Jewish book, the Torah. It … Read more

1,500-Year-Old Bible in Turkey Raises Concern in the Vatican

Some time ago, a 1,500-year-old Bible was discovered in Turkey. The discovery caused concern from the Vatican because this Old Bible contains the Gospel of Barnabas, which was erased by the Catholic Church during the Council of Nicaea. Barnabas was one of Christ’s disciples, originally named Joseph or Josiah. He was born in Cyprus, and … Read more