Your Higher Self – How to Connect?

The connection with our Higher Self is a topic that has intrigued both ancient civilizations and modern spiritual individuals.

This is our aspect that observes the entire experience we call life.

Who is Your Higher Self?

Our aspect that is here to experience human life through our body and through the game we call life.

The Higher Self is the only thing you can fully trust.

Through a series of experiences, which we define as “good” and “bad,” we gain a deeper understanding of everything we can create.

When we feel strong love or passion for something, when we have a premonition, it is our Higher Self connecting with our conscious mind.

How to Connect?

There are different methods through which we can become aware of our connection with our Higher Self.

The most commonly used method is to enter into a delicate contact after a short meditation and concentration. But more on that at the end of the article.

Through these practices, we can receive guidance on the decisions we are seeking or our feelings about a particular experience. It can help us be more aligned and connected with our soul’s purpose in every moment.

First, we must remember and realize the labels and definitions we place on things and ourselves.

This is the first step toward becoming aware of the mind and ego. These states of consciousness, mind, and ego are what we usually engage with when we are “disconnected.”

When we realize this, we create a reference point for what the mind is experiencing. This provides more clarity and an opportunity to hear our Higher Self, not the thoughts of the mind.

When we are more aware and pay attention to how the wandering mind thinks and generates thoughts, we begin to recognize the patterns in which it functions.

As well as the feeling or frequency we emit when these thoughts are chaotic. The more attention we pay, the clearer it becomes.

We can begin to ask questions and feel the answers. Don’t think about what you should feel, hear, or see.

It is a process. It takes practice before you start diving into it.

After you’ve asked a question, usually the first answer that reaches your consciousness is from your Higher Self.

This is a simple technique, but when practiced regularly, it is quite powerful. In fact, the most effective practices are quite simple. It takes time to start distinguishing between the mind and your Higher Self.

A Deeper Connection with Your Higher Self (Guided Meditation)

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